RSS feeds are a useful source of continually updated online content. RSS can provide textual posts, which are consumed in an RSS reader app, but is also used for podcast distribution.
For more information on creating an RSS feed for a podcast, look here.
In this case, we will ingest an RSS feed of machine learning papers.
The createFeed mutation enables the creation of a feed by accepting the feed name, type and rss feed parameters and it returns essential details, including the ID, name, state, and type of the newly generated feed.
Depending on the specified type parameter, Graphlit requires the specific feed parameters including the RSS uri.
mutationCreateFeed($feed: FeedInput!) { createFeed(feed: $feed) { id name state type }}
RSS is formatted as XML, and here is an example of the raw XML from an RSS URL.
RSS contains a series of posts, which each contain metadata such as title, summary, authors and published date.
Graphlit parses and stores the post metadata, including any hyperlinks to PDFs or other web pages.
All textual information from the RSS post will be added to the searchable Graphlit index.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?><feedxmlns=""> <linkhref=""rel="self"type="application/atom+xml"/> <titletype="html">ArXiv Query: search_query=LLM AND cat:cs.CV&id_list=&start=0&max_results=10</title> <id></id> <updated>2023-07-05T00:00:00-04:00</updated> <opensearch:totalResultsxmlns:opensearch="">141</opensearch:totalResults> <opensearch:startIndexxmlns:opensearch="">0</opensearch:startIndex> <opensearch:itemsPerPagexmlns:opensearch="">10</opensearch:itemsPerPage> <entry> <id></id> <updated>2023-06-15T07:02:41Z</updated> <published>2023-05-24T11:06:15Z</published> <title>Cheap and Quick: Efficient Vision-Language Instruction Tuning for Large Language Models</title> <summary> Recently, growing interest has been aroused in extending the multimodalcapability of large language models (LLMs), e.g., vision-language (VL)learning, which is regarded as the next milestone of artificial generalintelligence. However, existing solutions are prohibitively expensive, whichnot only need to optimize excessive parameters, but also require anotherlarge-scale pre-training before VL instruction tuning. In this paper, wepropose a novel and affordable solution for the effective VL adaption of LLMs,called Mixture-of-Modality Adaptation (MMA). Instead of using large neuralnetworks to connect the image encoder and LLM, MMA adopts lightweight modules,i.e., adapters, to bridge the gap between LLMs and VL tasks, which also enablesthe joint optimization of the image and language models. Meanwhile, MMA is alsoequipped with a routing algorithm to help LLMs achieve an automatic shiftbetween single- and multi-modal instructions without compromising their abilityof natural language understanding. To validate MMA, we apply it to a recent LLMcalled LLaMA and term this formed large vision-language instructed model asLaVIN. To validate MMA and LaVIN, we conduct extensive experiments under twosetups, namely multimodal science question answering and multimodal dialogue.The experimental results not only demonstrate the competitive performance andthe superior training efficiency of LaVIN than existing multimodal LLMs, butalso confirm its great potential as a general-purpose chatbot. Moreimportantly, the actual expenditure of LaVIN is extremely cheap, e.g., only 1.4training hours with 3.8M trainable parameters, greatly confirming theeffectiveness of MMA. Our project is released at</summary> <author> <name>Gen Luo</name> </author> <author> <name>Yiyi Zhou</name> </author> <author> <name>Tianhe Ren</name> </author> <author> <name>Shengxin Chen</name> </author> <author> <name>Xiaoshuai Sun</name> </author> <author> <name>Rongrong Ji</name> </author> <linkhref=""rel="alternate"type="text/html"/> <linktitle="pdf"href=""rel="related"type="application/pdf"/> <arxiv:primary_categoryxmlns:arxiv=""term="cs.CV"scheme=""/> <categoryterm="cs.CV"scheme=""/> </entry> <entry> <id></id> <updated>2023-05-23T03:59:06Z</updated> <published>2023-05-23T03:59:06Z</published> <title>LLM-grounded Diffusion: Enhancing Prompt Understanding of Text-to-Image Diffusion Models with Large Language Models</title> <summary> Recent advancements in text-to-image generation with diffusion models haveyielded remarkable results synthesizing highly realistic and diverse images.However, these models still encounter difficulties when generating images fromprompts that demand spatial or common sense reasoning. We propose to equipdiffusion models with enhanced reasoning capabilities by using off-the-shelfpretrained large language models (LLMs) in a novel two-stage generationprocess. First, we adapt an LLM to be a text-guided layout generator throughin-context learning. When provided with an image prompt, an LLM outputs a scenelayout in the form of bounding boxes along with corresponding individualdescriptions. Second, we steer a diffusion model with a novel controller togenerate images conditioned on the layout. Both stages utilize frozenpretrained models without any LLM or diffusion model parameter optimization. Wevalidate the superiority of our design by demonstrating its ability tooutperform the base diffusion model in accurately generating images accordingto prompts that necessitate both language and spatial reasoning. Additionally,our method naturally allows dialog-based scene specification and is able tohandle prompts in a language that is not well-supported by the underlyingdiffusion model.</summary> <author> <name>Long Lian</name> </author> <author> <name>Boyi Li</name> </author> <author> <name>Adam Yala</name> </author> <author> <name>Trevor Darrell</name> </author> <arxiv:commentxmlns:arxiv="">Work in progress</arxiv:comment> <linkhref=""rel="alternate"type="text/html"/> <linktitle="pdf"href=""rel="related"type="application/pdf"/> <arxiv:primary_categoryxmlns:arxiv=""term="cs.CV"scheme=""/> <categoryterm="cs.CV"scheme=""/> </entry></feed>