Sign up for Graphlit

To get started with Graphlit, sign up for a free developer account.

Visit the Graphlit Developer Portal to get started.

🆓 No charge up to 1GB data. No credit card required.

Create User

Click the Sign up link (below the Continue button), if this is your first time using Graphlit, or sign in with your existing account.

When signing up, you can use your existing Github, Google or Microsoft 365 account - or you can simply enter your email address and a strong password and create your User.

Create Organization

Once you've entered your user information, you will be asked to create an Organization.

Enter your organization name (typically your company name, or if for personal use, just enter any name you like).

You can upload a profile image, such as your company logo.

When you're ready, click Create Organization.

Graphlit also supports inviting Users to existing Organizations.

After a few seconds, your new organization will be created, and you will be logged into the Graphlit Developer Portal.

Next step, let's create a project...

Last updated