For operations on specific entities, you pass the --id argument, such as:
g update --type specification --id "{guid}"
g disable --type feed --id "{guid}"
The CLI will interactively ask for more input, as needed.
GraphQL JSON output
The CLI supports JSON output of the GraphQL request, variables and response by adding the --json argument to the command line. This can be useful for testing out the API interactively, and then copy/pasting the query/mutation and variables into your code.
g get --type content --id "{guid}" --json
This returns a formatted output of the GraphQL query or mutation, the variables provided, and the JSON output from the GraphQL request.
GraphQL mutation [GetContent]:query GetContent($id: ID!) { content(id: $id) { id name creationDate owner { id } state originalDate finishedDate workflowDuration uri type fileType mimeType fileName fileSize masterUri textUri audioUri transcriptUri links { uri linkType } error summary headlines bullets posts chapters questions deviceType address { streetAddress city region country postalCode } location { latitude longitude } video { width height duration make model software } audio { title bitrate channels sampleRate bitsPerSample duration } image { width height resolutionX resolutionY bitsPerComponent components projectionType orientation description make model software lens focalLength exposureTime fNumber iso heading pitch } document { title subject summary author publisher description keywords pageCount } email { identifier subject labels sensitivity priority importance from { name email givenName familyName } to { name email givenName familyName } cc { name email givenName familyName } bcc { name email givenName familyName } } package { fileCount folderCount isEncrypted } observations { id type observable { id name } occurrences { type confidence startTime endTime pageIndex boundingBox { left top width height } } state } feed { id name } parent { id name } children { id name } collections { id name } workflow { id name } }}GraphQL variables:{"id":"7e72b18c-899d-4e03-b484-6391e051203d"}GraphQL response:{"type":"FILE","mimeType":"text/plain","fileType":"DOCUMENT","fileName":"Metadata In Unstructured Data.txt","fileSize":1126, "masterUri": "",
"textUri": "",
"document": {},"children": [],"uri":"","id":"7e72b18c-899d-4e03-b484-6391e051203d","name":"Metadata In Unstructured Data.txt","state":"FINISHED","creationDate":"2024-03-04T02:21:30Z","finishedDate":"2024-03-04T02:21:33Z","workflowDuration":"PT3.1316993S","owner": {"id":"196ba668-cf01-496d-bf41-18be461650dc" }}
GraphQL response fields
The CLI responds to queries and mutations with a default set of GraphQL fields, but you can override the requested fields with the fields argument, such as:
g get --type content --id "{guid}" --fields "{ id name }"